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My record? Progressive. My goals? Clear.

At a time when Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to hurt our country and planet, who we send to Congress must be defined by leadership.

My record is deeply progressive. My goals are clear:

  • I was among the first to call for Trump's impeachment, because I believe it's now up to Congress to hold him accountable.
  • I am fighting climate change by partnering with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and others to pass a Green New Deal and declare the fight against climate change a national emergency.
  • I believe those responsible for the human rights disaster on our southern border should be held accountable.They must face consequences for the families separated, jailed children, and those who suffered and died on our watch.
  • I will work both locally and across America to raise up traditionally-marginalized communities, to ensure access to quality health care, a living wage, and an affordable education for everyone – not just the privileged few.
  • I am leading the charge to rebuild what's broken in our democracy, including expanding voter protections and fighting for provisions such as national vote-by-mail, automatic voter registration, and postage-free ballots.

If we share these priorities, stand we me and support my campaign. We need a grassroots movement if we're going to take on Donald Trump, his allies, and win.


Posted on July 27, 2019.