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On World Food Day:

Right now, our country's food policy prioritizes large corporations over family farms. It subsidizes big mega-farms that produce food in unsustainable – and frankly gross – ways.

We pay too much to the wrong people to grow the wrong food in the wrong places. The answer from some in Congress? Make things worse.

I'm talking cutting lifeline SNAP benefits. Putting big polluters ahead of family farms. Forcing unhealthy choices on America.

That's why today, on World Food Day, I want to make a promise to you: I'll never stop fighting for a better, healthier America.

Stand with Team Blumenauer as we work to get the job done. Donate today.

Donald Trump's idea of a healthy America might be a quick (and even cold) meal on every table as the biggest corporations rake in profits, but that's not our America.

Our America looks to family farms. It helps parents to afford a healthy meal for their kids. It builds farming practices that preserve our environment and protect our future. And it begins with a political movement.

That's why I've been working to fix the government's broken food bill and the unjust subsidy system. And I'll continue to fight until every family can look forward to a warm, nutritious meal.

Chip in $20.20 to our 2020 reelection campaign and keep this healthy movement going.



Posted on October 16, 2019.