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Don't be fooled

Today, we've finally begun open impeachment hearings on Donald Trump's flagrant abuses of power and contempt for our democracy.

There will be a whole lot of words flying around – from Democrats, from Republicans, from witnesses, from the media, from the White House. It'll be easy to get distracted or bogged down by the rhetoric. Republicans have already made it clear that they're going to do everything they can to cloud the issue and confuse the public.

But don't be fooled. The main idea is really quite simple:

Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans believe the president is above the law.

The rest of us don't.

Through all of the disingenuous pontificating and conspiracy theories and convulsive tweets, we can't lose sight of the issue that the president broke the law and must be held accountable.

That's why I was one of the first members of the House to call for impeachment and why I won't rest until Donald Trump's corruption is fully uncovered.

More soon,


Posted on November 13, 2019.