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We've put in a lot of work

On this Election Day morning, I want to say thank you. It has been an honor to be your partner as we fight for progressive ideals and the future of our democracy.

Over the last few months, our Flip it Friday emails have raised over $60,000 for candidates in critical races across the country. I can't thank you enough for your generous donations and support.

My team and I have been working tirelessly to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. We are supporting over 80 U.S House of Representatives candidates across the nation and dozens of candidates and ballot measures in Oregon.

In addition to the $1.5 million we have contributed, we have supported these candidates by giving them the tools and resources they need to be competitive. Our Election Action Guide has been shared nationwide, inspiring action and engagement, and has raised thousands of dollars of donations.

Each one of the progressive candidates we help get elected plays an essential role in the change we need in our country.

Our nationwide movement is stronger and more focused than ever before. When progressives become organized and energized, our message has the power to inspire action from people who have previously been discouraged, dispirited, and disengaged.

I have never seen a political challenge greater than the one we face in 2020, but I also see an opportunity to advance our shared values.

I am inspired by the dedicated volunteers who have devoted countless hours calling and texting voters, writing postcards and letters, dropping literature at doors, and donating money. This election is a game of inches and every single vote and action matters.

Thank you for your support for my re-election and for all you have done to help us take back our country.



Election Action Candidates

Posted on November 3, 2020.