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After 100 days, here’s what happens next

After four years of Trump’s continual lies, gaslighting, and ineffectiveness, I think it’s fair to say that, in just 100 days, the Biden administration has done more good for our country than Trump could even lie about.

You probably already know some of these accomplishments. Want some examples?

After a dark 2020 of inaction and apathy from Trump and his cronies, we’re getting closer to finally getting the COVID-19 pandemic under control, with more than 200 million vaccine doses administered.

Fighting climate change is once again back on the agenda, with our nation now fully recommitted to the Paris Climate Agreement and a functioning Environmental Protection Agency.

Democrats passed an unprecedented COVID Rescue Plan, delivering badly-needed help to American workers and families.

Our nation is engaged in real conversations about equality and equity, about dismantling the racist policies that have plagued our government for generations.

And now we’re working on the most progressive, robust infrastructure plan our country has seen in generations.

These first 100 days under Joe Biden, however, really show us one big thing: we cannot get complacent, not one bit.

Because for everything we’ve already done Republicans are going to be working hard to win back Congress and turn things back around.

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Posted on April 29, 2021.