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Have you seen Earl’s plan to address climate disasters?

For decades, the American public has faced two very different interpretations of climate change. While the scientific community has made the truth abundantly clear, corporate polluters have spent millions to confuse the issue and delay action.

We can't fall into their trap. We must act boldly, and act now. That means not only addressing the root causes of climate change, but protecting our communities from its impacts–from wildfires and droughts, to floods and deadly winter storms, each of which have threatened lives and livelihoods across Oregon and America.

Earl has released his comprehensive plan to strengthen our response to climate disasters–which disproportionately impact marginalized communities–and protect our families from future hazards, while de-escalate the crisis going forward.

Blumenauer wants federal funds focused on mitigation preparation for natural disasters

There’s a lot in Earl’s plan, but above all, it reframes our changing climate as an opportunity rather than solely as a threat. While the danger is undeniable and urgent, our solutions will give us the chance to create jobs, rebuild our nation’s infrastructure to be sturdier and more resilient, and address long-standing systemic inequities.

You can learn more about Earl’s plan and upcoming agenda for tackling climate disasters here.

Oregon Rep. Blumenauer outlines plan to halt climate change


Team Blumenauer

Posted on November 30, 2021.