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Add your name to tell Republicans in Congress to save the United States Postal Service!

While Donald Trump has been undermining the United States Postal Service for years, he’s stepped up his attacks this summer.

Since he knows most people won’t vote for him, he’s trying to sabotage the United States Postal Service and rig the election process so that fewer people can vote.

Even in a presidency defined by ignorance, greed, and contempt for our democracy, Trump’s assault on the USPS stands out. It’s a cynical, craven assault on our nation's decency by an administration willing to set fire to our values to stay in power.

The USPS is a critical utility, and even under normal circumstances, these actions would drastically disrupt our country. During the pandemic, when our ability to vote depends on the mail, Trump’s attacks threaten the fabric our country.

Sign the petition: tell Congressional Republicans “Fully fund the United States Postal Services immediately.”

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